Sustainability Challenge &; Article Summary

Sustainability Challenges for
I will be challenging myself to a few sustainability challenges, and I will be documenting the process as I go along. Listed below are the challenges that I will be doing.

  1. Walk or ride a bike to the store
  2. Keep all unused lights off at home for one week.
  3. Use reusable bags for one week.
  4. Save paper.
  5. Help the environment with your TV (cutting off the light on your TV and DVD player)
  6. Shorter shower challenge (Taking a shower less than 30 minutes)

Article Summary

This summary is a summary that I have created that pertains to the article titled the profession of corporate sustainability gets specific by John Davies published Monday, February 11, 2019, from The new age of corporate sustainability has been becoming more sustainable. There was a panel of nearly four thousand people who were asked if their programs would continue their current course if their organization’s sustainability leader and CEO were to both leaves. Seventeen percent said that their plans would continue, while fifty-eight percent said they would continue to carry on, and twenty-five percent didn’t know what would happen.

The evolution and resiliency of sustainability programs are reflected by a change in the profession since research has been conducted mainly in the development in the earlier roles of sustainability executives to a demand for those with the education and experience in everything about sustainability. The need has expanded because of the desire to achieve better sustainable programs for their company that improves the environment.

The leadership role for a better sustainable executive is to oversee the changing landscape of their environmental and socially challenging opportunities for their market being able to accomplish this task is turning into something that is grand. It affects companies wanting and needing a better way to take care of the demand for environmentally friendly companies has been growing. The ultimate objection is being able to create a plan that is effective enough to challenge other companies, so they would be more effective in their decision making when it comes to having the proper sustainability plans for their company.

Large conglomerates that make one billion plus in revenues has one or more sustainability program set in place for their companies. They want to sustain the environment better before the demand becomes excellent, and they are socially required to fill the need because times have evolved to where the market for environmentally friendly surroundings is great. These large companies are also training their employees on how to sustain their environment better.

The consumers of large companies have been changing into more environmentally conscious people that require more companies to fulfill the need of helping and enhancing their surroundings. The demand is becoming so high that it is propelling companies to hire staff for just creating a sustainable plan for the future of our surroundings, their consumers, and their business. It might seem as though their making grand changes only now, but the lasting effects are helping us to improve our surroundings, and that is what is most important. It’s better that they enhance the process of being sustainable and increase the amount of production put into it to make the extra effort.

In this week’s reading of Triple Bottom Line by Savitz, he discusses that companies aren’t always taking the correct approach to have a sustainable company. They can sometimes have a hard time in making decisive decisions when it comes to the sustainability programs within their company because they might want their consumer to make the demand for more sustainable company products or plan. People are becoming more conscious in terms of their decision making, and they would like others to evolve along with them. So purchasing products that are environmentally friendly or even the company doing a lot of things to help make the Earth a better place to live.

The article titled the profession of corporate sustainability gets specific by John Davies and this week reading of the Triple Bottom line Savitz has some similarities because it shows that companies can make plans to sustain the environment better and improve the footprints of the situation by making a straightforward change before the demand is requested by the consumer. Being able to create a better future for us through simple changes within a company has the last effect on us. These large conglomerates are making the change, and the difference will continue even without the CEO or the leader of the sustainability plan because there is a team of people designated to take care of the task at hand. There is no need to procrastinate be decisive and make the change.


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