Introduction “my pursuit of global environmental sustainability.”

Changing Our Environment
Welcome to “Changing Our Environment” the latest blog on our choices and how it affects our surroundings. My name is Camille Campbell. I am a current student of Cuny SPS as an undergraduate and my major is business. This blog will give you a review of how today’s current topics affects us in terms of sustainability, and what I do to sustain better my environment and what you can do to improve your surroundings. This blog is for my sustainability and green business class (339 01). I’m a real estate broker who loves to empower others with information to better one’s self.
Let me start by explaining the challenges that can be faced in the sustainability of our environment. Let me show you how I detail the things that I do to sustain my situation better.
- Recycling: recycling is imperative in my decision making. I always refer to making better choices when it comes to recycling.
- Bringing your bags to the supermarket: My whole family is into bringing their bags to the supermarket. Everywhere I shop I walk with a bag in my purse so that I can carry my things. My bag is stronger than the plastic bags, so it allows me not to worry about the plastic bags breaking and affecting our environment.
- Transportation options: If I were to take Uber or Lyft I would use ridesharing as an option, but I usually take the bus or the train to limit the number of negative ommissions.
- Focusing in on lifestyle changes: I make my snacks, I like to declutter my life which is also essential because you can get down to zero waste and be better able to conserve on natural resources.
- Challenge one’s self: To be able to challenge one’s self is to start to be able to push yourself past your normal boundaries to create a better surrounding for your environment and one’s self. You can begin to create a detailed list of how you can take steps to improve and sustain the Earth. With making better decisions for our Earth’s future, it is all in the hands of us and what changes we can make to have a better environment and change for the future.
I challenge you to make a list of how we could better sustain the earth, and you can share with me how you make sustainability changes for the betterment of our Earth and the future. Let’s start now, let’s create a new cleaner way of living, and let’s make better decisions for our tomorrow.
How have you been affected by the sustainability of your environment? Can you better produce a way to save our Earth from threatening decisions that can cause us to lose the ability to have fresh air, ozone, and climate conditions that will be less affected by our bad choices? We are the creators of our surroundings lets improve our natural environment by being better able to provide our Earth with the ability to function as normal. Let’s challenge each other by allowing one another to find and create crucial decisions on improving our environment. I welcome changing our climate. I will show my ways along with others on how to better educate our choice making to improve our situation.
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