In using the sustainability actions calculator how do you see yourself relative to others?

When using the sustainability actions calculator how do I see myself relative to others? I see myself as not leaving a standard footprint like what is typically used by other people. I try to be as sustainable as possible. I try to create as little impact on the environment as possible. What does sustainability mean to me? Being viable means to help preserve our natural resources and not leaving an adverse effect on our surroundings. We live in a world that has so many natural resources that allow us to habitat our environment without having to impact the situation by taking too much away from it naturally or killing things that cohabitate with us. We must understand that in being sustainable, we must know that our natural resources have limits and the footprints that we leave has a tremendous effect on our resources.
Now that the population is going to increase to approximately 8 billion people our natural resources could be depleted if we don’t conserve. This situation is critical for us to understand. If we start to abuse our resources, then we will have nothing left. So, creating a plan to help develop better surroundings is essential towards the upkeep of our natural resources. The earth can be sustained and not depleted if we implement the correct and effective plan towards the redevelopment of our resources it is allowing it to heal for us to have the resources that we need to accommodate all of the people in the world for now and in the future.
I have left a smaller footprint than the average person because I am concerned about the effects that I go on the environment and what can happen to us if we don’t make a change now for the future of the earth. If I can stand for the betterment of our earth’s future than so can all of us. We must become more connected with our decisions and the impacts and effects it has on our surroundings. We are the ones that need to improve the earth and allow it to heal not just take into concern our needs over the globe requiring to repair for us to be able to breathe in unpolluted air because we’re using our cars without using other forms of transportation and releasing harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Tomorrow is never promised but today is here let’s make the change today, and it should start with us. Let’s take into action to create and leave a lasting effect on the earth by going less of a footprint so that we can better ourselves and our surroundings.
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