A Review of How Can The World Change in 4,000 Days
A review of the article “How can the world change in 4,000 days” by Elsa Wenzel
There has been a change in culture a cultural shift; this is caused by the awakening of corporations and the potential of sustainability which is creating value and moving forward from CSR. As this process becomes more mainstream, so does an emphasis on environmental concerns this intersects social things, it has the potential for change that will affect the entire system, this revelation is according to businesses and NGO leaders.
For a few years, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals have created insight into the nations and businesses which will reinvent how they operate for the betterment of our world. Most of the goals are linked to the health of humans and their well-being. They want to “end poverty in all forms everywhere” is the first of SDGs, which is followed by “zero hunger,” “good health and well-being,” “quality education” and others. The SDG wanted to achieve this by eradicating “extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day,” according to U.N. data.
It isn’t easy but setting these goals is like a dare by the world’s nations. It can be achieved in the next 4,000-odd days until 2030. Many businesses are charging forward with the SDG deadline of 2030. Under 40 percent of large companies are participating in the SDGs in 2017, but the number is coming up fast, according to Tim Mohin, CEO of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
This plan is a beautiful change that will affect our environment to able to help humankind in the issue of poverty; this will have a lasting effect on people. It is great to see that the change can occur within 4,000 days. Our future seems so much brighter now that this plan is even going to be taken into effect. It is wonderful to see that businesses and the SDGs can work together to achieve this goal.
Works Cited
How can the world change in 4,000 days by Elsa Wenzel, Thursday, February 28, 2019 -2:43 pm. Retrieved from https://www.greenbiz.com/article/how-change-world-4000-days
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