Update on my sustainability practices
Today I will reflect on my sustainability practices.
1. I walk everywhere usually of taking a rideshare cab to my destination only if necessary. To me, there has been a lasting effect on my end. I can get some exercises in when walking to my errands at it also helps with the hazardous emissions affecting the earth and all humankind.
2. Keep all unused lights off at home for a week. I am always cutting off remaining lights its essential to me not to leave a large carbon footprint on the environment. It also cuts down on the electrical bill which isn’t bad at all. I like to use natural lighting for my task; it is beneficial for the earth. The effects that are cutting off the lights have had is that I leave less of an impact on the environment.
3. Use reusable bags for one week. My family and I usually use our bags. We typically shop at BJ’s wholesale club where there are no bags, so we carry our bags. The only time that I don’t take a personal bag is when I get grocery delivery from Instacart.com from Fairway or another supermarket on the site. If I shop online, I usually recycle the bags and use them for other uses. It is very beneficially to carry bags you cut back on having too many plastic bags that you don’t need. It’s also going to be against the law in New York State for stores to use plastic bags. I guess everyone will be carrying their bags; otherwise, you’re going to have to pay for them.
4. Save paper. I try my best to save writing the only time that I use article is when I’m figuring out a math problem, and I need to write down the solution or if I must write down a number or something like that. I usually type everything out on my laptop especially when it comes to school work only if necessary, will I use paper. It is imperative to save paper that is why I do my best in cutting back so that we can protect our trees that has lasting benefits like herbal remedies, giving us fresh air and the list goes on.
5. Help the environment with your TV (cutting off the light on your TV and DVD player). I always cut off the light on our electronic devices. I like to conserve energy, and I try to leave a small footprint on the environment. It’s a habit to me to just cut everything off especially when I’m not using it. It is beneficial for us and our surroundings which is the earth to conserve as much energy as possible, so I follow this process in my daily actions all the time.
6. Shorter shower challenge (Taking a shower less than 30 minutes) It’s essential that I take a quick shower I always kind of time myself on when to get out of the shower I don’t like to waste water ever since I was little. Conservation is the key to me, and it is beneficial for all of us to conserve we need to be conservative in our decision making.
Designing sustainable practices: innovations for sustainable living
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